In my own personal odyssey, I tread the line between exploring uncharted ideas and honing my craft of creation. I see art not merely as a vessel for expression but as a dynamic force for introspection and societal evolution. I strive for purposeful interaction with the world, employing creativity as a beacon to illuminate new paths of thinking and understanding, encouraging all of us to thoughtfully and deliberately shape our collective narrative and future for the benefit of humanity.
I am the founder and Executive Director of the Foundation for Future Aesthetics, an organization with a dedicated mission: to curate, promote, and support visions of an optimistic and realistic future through the arts. The Foundation produces a publication called Possibilia, a literary magazine devoted to showcasing optimistic, realistic scientific fiction that dares to influence those creating the future as well as engage the general public. Our work goes beyond storytelling; it's about forging narratives that shift our perception of possibility, seamlessly blending the imagined with the real. We are creating memetic infrastructure for the future.
In my role as a freelance creative consultant, I take on projects that sit at the cutting edge of thought and design, integrating my artistic insights with innovative applications to offer a distinct and visionary perspective. This work extends beyond mere creativity, demanding a deep understanding of emerging societal and cultural trends and foresight into future possibilities. Through these collaborations, my aim is to not only achieve immediate goals but to also instill a lasting vision of hope and potential in each endeavor.